EconomyThe conventional wiring in the municipal area is calculated with 200 € to 400 € per meter. Our off-grid solarstreet lights cost. € 1477 including mast. It follows quickly on the invoice that the economy is given in favor of the aforementioned self-sufficient solar street lights starting at a line length of 8 m (the cost of aconventional system, pole, power consumption, maintenance, etc. are not considered).
Jupiter 10 L A 52 Jupiter 40 LH ECN 52 Jupiter 2 x 8 L Jupiter 8 L TPPerformance 80 W Performance 320 W Performance 128 W Performance 64 WPrice from 1477.00 € Price from 3989.00 € Price from 1950.00 € Price from 1900.00 € control electronicsAll components on the pole are top mountedsystem of RMS. The battery in special housing inthe top and not placed in the ground as many ofthe competition do. Our advantages are, thecables to the battery are very short and almost100% save against theft and vandalism and givessecurity in the installation area .The autarkic solar street lights are optimal suitable for regions where we have no power and aalternative for the lighting of streets is needed , highways, parking areas, industrial areas, parking can be supported. We use this technique for advertising lighting, as well as road plate light andmany other fields. For the manufacture of the LED heads is the latest generation of the LEDtechnology you can find. The advantages of this technology are the high efficiency, the longservice life of up to 100,000 hours and a resistance to weather effects, temperature fluctuations.In contrast to the conventional light sources, this new technology is characterized by low heatgeneration. Besides saving energy, draws the LED lamp body of street light the best efficiencycompared to other artificial light sources. The solar road lamp makes a considerable contributionto the environment and saves resources and money. The LED diodes emit very bright, white lightwhich items make clearly recognizable in form and colors. Also the LED have a much longer lifethan other lamps bulbs, so that for many years the maintenance costs can be saved. A new typeprovides the lighting applications of LED lights. The lighting times and configuration are heavilydepending on the geographical conditions and climatic conditions and must be always on theindividual cases examined and interpreted. Format you can download technical data sheets in PDF here. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us , write us and you be notified as soon aspossible by us.Mawo Solarteur • Horneburg 33 • 44869 BochumTel: +49 (0) 2327 9946097 • Fax: +49 (0) 3212 1159873E-Mail: • Webseite.